The Value of Patience in the Pandemic

A common trait in successful people is the ability to delay gratification. A silver lining in this COVID-19 pandemic is a gift to improve our patience. This downtime provides an opportunity to develop or improve habits:

Saving money

 Limited travel makes it possible to save on gas.

Shopping centers on lockdown makes it more difficult to purchase things

More money in the savings and checking accounts creates financial peace of mind

More funds allow for a long-desired purchase using cash instead of swiping a credit card.


Limited outdoor activities encourage patience to work on self-development.

Setting new goals 

Refining previously established goals

Complete desired wish.

Decrease Impulsivity

Patience decreases impulsivity

The pandemic has persons assessing wants versus needs

Allows us to think before we speak or act

To get up and go, just because we can, without a reason attached to a specific goal

Health and Wellness

Being at home forces more home cooked meals

Choosing to eat fewer fast foods

Encourages quality family time to eat and play together

Develops sense of calm (meditate, Yoga, slowing the pace)

Having patience tend to minimize stress


Patience allows for gratitude to see the things we do have rather than a rush to have/get more. Grateful for: Love, Family, time to enjoy the moment, time to express appreciation to/for others

It is normal to wither and wane under the unknown and destruction of the virus. However, I am intentionally focused on developing the patience to expand my interests; things that make my heart smile.